This compact transistorized unit is useful for treatment of muscles weakness, functional Paralysis resulting for Neurosis, Hysterical of Neuropraxia, Facial Paralysis, Spastic Paralysis, Cardio Vascular Disorders, Muscle Strains etc. This Therauptic Muscle Stimulator with Galvanic, Interrupted Galvanic, Faradic & surge Faradic currents come in a compact metel housing.
SHOULDER WHEEL WALL MOUNTING :- All metal constructed 100 cm dial wheel revolves smoothly with CI drums and is fitted with calibrated sensitive resistance mechanism. The resistance is controable form zero to maximum. A 360 degree scale is provided on the drum to measure and record the degree to revolution forms either direction. Fitted with attachment to raise or lower the wheel at the desired height according to the patient. Mounted on three laminated wall boards. Completely oven backed finish.